Code of Ethic

Dr. Charles F. Tolbert-

Was a Candidate for U S Senate Fl 2016- A Citizen For a Better America Party of Florida

Charles Frederick Tolbert Ed.D., Div.M,Ed.M.,B.S.


I believe that education goes beyond knowledge received in schools or found on the streets. Education is an inborn right of all individuals to be taught, from their first mortal breath, and they have a right to learn and acquire knowledge. No one should be neglected and all cultures should embrace this right of the child as he/she grows to become an integrated part of society. We as children of God should not have to seek this right nor should it be bestowed upon us because we were borne in a nation that has the ability to teach us to be productive. Child-Centered Pedagogy is described by Marsh & Willis (2003)

I have a morel responsibility to teach our children, not just by our being subjected to other teachers principles and standards, but also by the Words passed down by our Father. We are all equal in His Eyes and it is our right to have teachers teach us what they have been taught. Mark 9:37 “If any one shall accept one child as this for My Name’s sake, he accepts Me; and if any one accepts Me, he accepts not Myself only, but My Sender.”

I as teachers search for the true meaning of the word teacher, yet the definition is clearly defined in the scriptures, as is our requirement to be educated according to the Word. According to Acts 8:29 “The Spirit then said to Philip, ‘Go forward, and join yourself to this man’s carriage.’ Philip accordingly running up heard him reading Isaiah the prophet; and asked, ‘Do you at all understand what you are reading?’ But he said, ‘how is it possible that I should, unless some one can explain it to me?’”Education is our responsibility for those who have been given the gift of a teacher to teach are those who have the need to be taught. 1 Corinthians 14:24 “But if all could preach, and any unbeliever or uneducated were to enter, he would be instructed by all; convinced by everything; the secret of his heart would be clear: and then, falling down upon his face, he would pay homage to God, announcing that THE LIVING GOD IS AMONG YOU.” This need transcends all mankind regardless of race, creed color, or sexual preference. It is a God given right, not one established by rules and regulation. This believe that education is our responsibility, not only to fulfill physical or social obligations, but it is also our moral responsibility. I believe that I have that responsibility as well as you, for we all are called upon to be ministers and disciples. How can anyone learn if there is no one to teach? We are given daily tools to instruct our children, and those that follow Christ, and those that do not acknowledge Him still must be prepared to teach. “Teachers beliefs and constructivism contend that all teachers need opportunities to explicitly discuss, elaborate and construct their own beliefs.” Marsh & Willis (2003)

Children uneducated become the social misfits of the future. This responsibility cannot be just mine, but it must be the works of all mankind. I train to teach one person at a time, as I am one with the Father. I develop curriculums that depict my actions and Christian walk; this is the window that others can see through. We can mirror the image of the Father whose shadow we fall under. Education is knowing not only how to accomplish that which is needed to provide for ourselves, it is also being able to do so ethically and justly, so that no one is morally, physically or socially injured by our actions.

1 Corinthians 9:14-19 “And so the Lord ordained to the preachers of the gospel, that they should live out of the gospel. But I have availed myself of none of these; nor have I written this so that it might be done thus to myself: for better to me to die rather than that any one should destroy my boast in that manner. For if I am preaching the gospel, it is no credit to me: rather a necessity is laid upon me; because it is a punishment for me if I am not preaching the gospel. Yet if I do this willingly, I have a reward; if unwillingly, I have been entrusted with an office. What are my wages than? That preaching without pay, I lay a foundation for the gospel; while none can deprive me of the power, which the gospel gives me. For being free from all, I have enslaved myself to all, so that I might benefit the greatest possible number.”


I believe that the school is not, nor should it be, a social institution. But it should be a place where little and big minds are drawn together to learn about the glorious creation which the Creator has created for us. The assembly of God’s children are drawn together to seek information in order to better recognize His Divine Plan. I believe that life is a process or journey for which each of us embarks upon with our first breath. This breath is God given, as is the right for us to learn about His creation. Genesis 2:7 “The Ever-Living afterwards formed Man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the life of animals; but man became a life-containing soul.”

I believe that our only purpose for living is to learn about our Father. We are to use His arrangement as an auditorium for His children to be educated within. I believe that our God given knowledge is to be used daily and that we should not be restricted by a building or government intervention. I believe that those individuals who teach without wisdom create the lack of knowledge. Wisdom is not something taught, but is God given. I believe that each of use should ask The Ever-Living for knowledge and Wisdom. I Kings 3:5-9 “At Gibaon the Ever-Living appeared to Solomon in a dream at night when God said, ‘Ask what I shall give you!’ And Solomon replied, ‘ You showed kindness to my father David, Your servant, because he walked before You in sincerity and rectitude, and rightheartedness, and You kept this great kindness for him, by granting to him that his son should sit upon his throne, – he does to-day. Now also, my Ever-Living God, You have made Your servant reign in place of David my father, but I am very young – I may not know how to conduct myself, – and Your servant is in the midst of your people whom You have chosen, – Then give Your servant a heart to listen justly to Your People, and to distinguish between right or wrong.”

I believe that life itself is the school, that we are surrounded by experience for which The Creator has planned before we breathed the air we breathe. Life is lived by the experience that we encounter daily. The school building or institutions are only a place to share the knowledge we have obtained. “Cooperative, learners are helping each other rather than hindering, competing, or ignoring one another.” Alessi & Trollip (2001)

I believe that the family structure is the true place of worship, teaching and learning, from this place life takes its form, in the fleshly body, we exist only to teach and learn about our Father. I believe that all schools were meant to exist for the purpose of expanding the knowledge of the Ever-Living. The airways, multimedia, technology and information systems, are to be used to spread His Word, and nothing exist unless it serves His Divine Purpose. The medias are to assist us in the process of instructions and teaching, and according to Alessi & Trollip (2001) “There are four activities or phases of instructions: Presenting information, Guiding the learner, practicing and Assessing the learner”. I believe in a fifth activity which is the example we set each time the learner sees, hears or reads what we present to them.

I believe the school has a moral obligation to teach ethical standards by any and all technological means available. The school building should not be a place that restrict growth but that it takes upon itself a living body, constantly growing and expanding to reach the far corners of the earth.

I believe that without teachers the fulfillment of the great commission is impeded, never stopped but slowed to where many are late seeing the Light. I believe we are commissioned to teach not from the building, but from the spot where our feet touch the Holy Ground. The ground that is His Arrangement is all Holy and we should be willing to spread His Word from where we stand.


I believe that without a strong understanding of the Gospel children will be wandering as if they are lost sheep. That society will need to refocus their attention more upon moral and ethnical issues, and the family has to be re-instated as the principle place of moral standards and the child should bring these standards to the outsiders. Romans 10:14-15

“But how can they call upon whom they have not believed? And how can they believe about what they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent?”I believe that education is how to increase God’s Knowledge, before we learn how to receive our own personal gain. I believe that all levels of education should start with the teaching of ethnical behavior as well as the moral obligation to treat all of God’s Creation equally, and the wakening of the body of Christ can be brought forth by our individual prayers, supplication and fasting. No man can come to the Father unless He calls them, but that we can pray for more helpers and the Father will send them. Matthew 9:38 “The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the workmen are few. Ask therefore the Owner of the harvest, so that He may send workmen to His harvest.”

I believe that, all that is written, both for enrichment of the mind and the gathering of wealth, is presented as a reward for our good deeds. Our good deeds is the servitude nature which we yourself do in order to spread His Work. The primary purpose of education is for the fulfillment of the scriptures! All we learn or teach is for a singleness of this purpose, for without having knowledge of eternal life all the works we do is for nothing.

I believe that at a child’s birth we have a responsibility to provide that child with the right of an equal opportunity to be educated, so that, that one child can fulfill his/her responsibility as they reach adulthood. A child is educated first in the home and by the man and woman who gave him/her birth. The responsibility of these two must remain the focal point of our education, not the teaching of separation, but the oneness of purpose as written in, Matthew 19:5-6 “A man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cling to his wife, and they two shall become as one person? They are therefore no longer two, but a single body.” It is from the union of this oneness that children are educated about responsibility and they receive a true ethnical education. Moral responsibilities should not be left to the secular world but this responsibility must be returned to the parents.

Therefore I believe that if we teach our children how to read using the scriptures we would lay a foundation for them as they entered into the buildings called schools. These buildings should complete a child’s education and not be the focal point or starting place.


I believe that each child has to be taught in a manner that fits his/her personal learning Style, the designer of the curriculum creates instructions which are designed to match the goals, the instructional strategies, and the evaluation. Ragan & Smith (1999) I believe the teacher has a responsibility to find how to awaken the sleeping giant who lies within each of us, and brings forth the natural curiosity that dwells within us. I believe we as teachers, must expand our knowledge so we can use all of our God given gifts. Each of use has been given talents and these talents are our gift from the Father. These talents are not meant to be left buried in the earth but were placed within us to share with all mankind. In Matthew 25:14-30, three servants were each given a measure of talents. One man was given five, another two and the last one. The first two used their talents and brought forth a gain for the giver of the talents, but the last hid the talents within himself, which gave no return to the giver. God is the giver of our talents and we are to teach His children so that He may reap the harvest from the seeds we plant for Him.

This responsibility does not end because we fail to continue our own education, our own failures cannot justify the lack of knowledge our children receive. I believe parents have a requirement to seek higher education in order for them to set and example for their children. Not only to set and example but also to instruct. How can a parent teach what they themselves do not understand? Computer technology, multimedia, researching the web, understanding learning styles, incorporation of ideas and thoughts received from the afore mentions is only a few new technological discoveries that have come about since we were in grade school.

Teaching the child how to use the computer prepares the child to be a part of the future society. The image a child has of him/her self will be created by the knowledge instilled within himself or herself by the parent. The correlation between welfare children, single parent homes, and the lack of education can be directly linked. A child’s education does not begin or end at the door of the school, but this door must be opened first at the home and never closed at the institutions of higher learning. There has been written several articles concerning, “No Child should be left behind”, but little attention has been given to the cause of this problem. The development of metacognitive abilities begins to develop around ages 5 to 6 and continues throughout the time children are in school.

Schunk (2000), this would indicate that the child has been exposed to certain pre-conditions which will be reflected in his or her behavior by the time they reach pre-school. I believe that before we can concentrate on the child, we have a responsibility to teach men and women how to be fathers and mothers as two parents with a singleness of mind. It is not enough that I have written my Pedagogical Creed I must live it daily. I did not ask to be a teacher of the Gospel. I have no free will. This responsibility was given to me as it has been given to you, mine may be teaching His Word, and yours is to teach His children!

I have an interest in the welfare of men because they have fallen from the position of being the foundation of the home and family, I teach by learning how to teach. I continue to learn so I can be an example to these men. My method of teaching is by my own example as yours should be. How can someone learn if there is no teacher? They cannot learn, but the teacher is not anyone individual, it is each and every one of us. I have been given a talent, maybe God gave me more than one talent, and I ask myself daily, “Am I using my talents the way God intended for me to use them?” There are seven themes that will help you understand the cognitive psychology that reinforces my style of teaching: Learning is a constructive, not a receptive, process. Mental frameworks organize memory and guide thoughts. Extended practice is needed to develop cognitive skills. Development of self-awareness and self-regulation is critical to cognitive growth. Motivation and belief are integral to cognition. Social intervention is fundamental to cognitive development.

Knowledge, strategies, and expertise are contextual. Bruning, Norby and Ronning (1999)

We are what we are because of our behavior and only by the recondition of our thoughts will our behavior change.


I believe education is a right, which cannot be regulated by governmental bodies or legislated by a group of individual who have last contact with the needs of the community. “Being a participant in a community is an essential component of the educational process”. Jonassen & Land (2000) Just as I believe that the community has the responsibility to teach, care for and assist families, and not by government regulation but by their own desire to see all creation to be equally lifted up in his name. Colossians 1:28 “Which we proclaim; warning every man, and teaching every person in a perfect philosophy, so that we may present each one perfect in Christ;”

I believe in the diversity of mankind as the Lord has created to fulfill His Divine purpose. That cultural integration allows for greater knowledge not the restriction of knowledge. I believe that through our love and understanding we can unite all mankind to one cause which to Love our Father as He loves us. I believe Philippians 2:3-4 “If then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation from love, if any community of spirit, if any tender feeling and pity, fill my joy; so that you may agree in thought, possessing the same love, intending with united hearts the same object. Never in self-seeking nor throught vain-glory; but, on the contrary, with good feeling considering others in preference to yourselves, not each scheming for himself, but rather each for others.”

I believe because of the gift of my ability to learn, I have the gift to teach. Not only the gift to teach, but also the obligation to reach as many as my breath allows. In addition I have a social obligation to tear down racial barriers and the walls that hold the shackles which enslave our children. I believe that school does not start at an age dictated by man, but that the education of our young is a moral responsibility that starts with the child’s first breath. This responsibility is not just for a few but that all are ministers and teachers.

I believe that each person is the Body of Christ and because they are of Christ all are equal, not one of us have a greater right to be educated than another. It is because of this belief; I seek knowledge, not to confound the wise, although by my foolishness the wise may be confounded, but to teach those who have an understanding heart. The Word cannot be taught unless the spirit reveals the discernment to the listener. I do not claim to be a prophet, nor do I claim to be a teacher, that name is given to me by Someone Greater than you and I.

Alessi S. M. & Trollip S. R. (2001). Multimedia for learning, methods and development.
Needham Heights, Massachusetts: A Pearson Education Company.
Bruning R.H., Norby M. M. & Ronning R. R. (1999). Cognitive psychology and instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill, and Imprint of Prentice Hall.
Fenton F. (1903). The Holy Bible in modern English. Merrimac, Massachusetts: Destiny

Johassen D. H. & Land S. M. (2000). Theoretical foundations of learning environments.
Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Marsh C. J. & Willis G. (2003). Curriculum alternative approaches, ongoing issues.
Upper Saddle River. New Jersey: Person, Merrill Prentice.
Posner G. J. (1992). Analyzing curriculum. New York. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ragan T. J. & Smith P. L. (1999). Instructional design. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Willy & Sons, Inc.
Schunk D. H (2000) Learning theories an educational perspective. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill, and Imprint of Prentice Hall.