Your Health! It’s components:Physical/Nutrition/ EmotionalYou are a spirit in a fleshly body. Are you taking care of yourself?

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rica … Presentation July 7, 2012 DR Charles Tolbert

Your Health!

It’s components:


You are a spirit in a fleshly
body. Are you taking care of yourself?

There is no one simple answer or solution for the integration of technology
into the educational system. Neither is it relevant which topic the facilitator
teaches, because the multimedia that the teacher chooses is flexible. Group two
decided to present, “Physical Fitness and its
Components,” because the subject is not only important to the class but
also relevant to society. The amazing fact about the topic is that it allows
each member to provide his or her own individual slant and input. The fist student was
responsible for the physical exercise; the second prepared a presentation on
nutrition, and I prepared the presentation on emotional and mental health.

The integration of the three components (physical,
nutritional, and mental), the usage of multimedia using learning styles
(Dunn & Dunn), in addition to insuring that Blooms Taxonomy with relevance
to computer tools were also integrated throughout the presentation would test
the groups knowledge and imagination.
After assignment of responsibility the
important question was, “How do we present our findings?” The group focused on a
Web-site presentation, but we were limited in knowledge and time to learn how to
construct a Web-site from scratch. We considered Pageout but we soon realized it
was limited in its ability to add links and that the student did not have access
to features which would be needed for the presentation. The group then focused
on Front page, unlike Pageout, Front Page did allow for expansion and linking
other sites, but because of time limitations it was eliminated. The problem
seemed unsolvable. If the group wanted to present their project using technology
and a Web-site presentation we had to search for a site that was already
constructed that could be modified for the presentation.

It became clear that since I had a Web-site,, it
could be expanded to host this group project. After discussion the group elected
to ask the host provider, Earthlink, how we could add a page with links to the
different topics. It was determined that a page could be created which could be
accessed by This page could not
only be useful for this group project but also was needed by Cfacs, Inc to teach
the importance of being physically fit as well as spiritually knowledgeable.

The group members started gathering information while coordination was being
provided by Earthlink technicians, AIU library personnel, Information Technology
Advisers from AIU and Cfacs, Inc. Web-site advisers. Questions concerning the
Web Home Page, links to other sites, HTML usage, addition of Power Point
presentation and Word Documents had to be considered. Thought also needed to be
given to the unreliability of the network at AIU and an alternate plan should
there be a system outage on the day of the presentation. Can a presentation of
this type be backed up on a CD and the CD be provided to the students if either
AIU or Earthlink’s system were not operational?

Can a project be prepared in fewer than five weeks and be constructed
with relevance to the course requirements? And what are these requirements? The
project must first be educational. The student must be entertained and still
learn. The presentation would need to incorporate Dunn & Dunn learning
styles. We would need to find ways not only for the student/learner to see the
presentation (visual), to hear the presentation (audio), but also we would want
the learner to participate in the exercise as well as link to the web site and
follow the presentation on their own personal computer. A
form was constructed which enabled the learner to perform their own
self-evaluation and if needed to seek medical guidance prior to any physical
fitness program or diet change. This form and the related exercise
provide the learner with actual performance of the exercises (tactile). The
group would participate in the learning simultaneously and learning station
would not be used, although they could have been incorporated into the
presentation, due to time constants they were not considered.

Special consideration would need to be given to the bandwidth and time
constraints of transmitting the data to the students. The current bulletin board
Pageout system and the Internet were used to transmit information and post
ideas. E-mail was used for the transmission of ideas and data that was added to
the Web-site. Class time allowed the group to exchange ideas and brainstorm. In
addition, when needed, the group received tutoring from several outside sources.
Bloom’s Taxonomy with Relevance to Computer Tools was given
consideration in the construction and presentation of this project.
Researching the Web was done extensively in order to find relevant information
that would enhance the presentation. Credit would be given to the author of any
information used, and this information would be compared to the current
knowledge of the student and facilitators. The objective was to insure that all
possible means of teaching were considered and each method was evaluated to
insure its adaptability to not only class room instruction, but also to home
usage. Each aspect of the presentation was analyzed to insure its compliance
with course requirements and that the presentation could be duplicated both
inside and outside the classroom.

Comments or recommendation by the learners/students were to be posted on
Pageout for the group and other students to read. Adjustments were to be made
from these comments by Cfacs, Inc. and they would decide whether or not to make
this project part of their permanent Web-site.

Schools today throughout the world have come to the conclusion that
teaching begins earlier than what was original thought. This idea of teaching
the pre-school and even in home teaching should cause the parents to re-evaluate
how soon and what they should provide their children. Technology has reached
back into the lives of our very young allowing them to be entertained and
educated at the same time. It is even more appropriate that knowing how to apply
the principles of Dunn & Dunn’s Learning Styles
to this young group of learners is of the utmost importance. What
concerned us is that teachers may not apply tactile teaching to this young group
of children between 3-7. We agreed that teachers need to be informed, keep
current, and be observant of the child’s behavior. In doing so they should not
take the fun out of learning. We can see by reading the articles that the
application of Blooms Taxonomy at the lower level hopefully will come up with a
means of evaluating the success of their observations. In the same breath
technology can be use to teach all ages the importance of health.

Multi-media is moving into the home as well as the work place, not only
will our children need to be educated concerning the application of the tools
required to operate this new means of learning but the parents will have to be
re-educated so as to keep up with their children. We saw that time is one of the
most valuable commodities available to an individual. Therefore time management
must be given the utmost attention.

Teaching students regardless of age will soon be done more at homes than
in classrooms and in addition Companies must learn to adapt to these changes in
their teaching environments. However teachers will still need to be able to
interact and direct the learner’s activities. Someone will need to facilitate,
direct, coordinate and evaluate this new learning. But how? Teachers will have
to be re-educated in order to train and oversee this technology. Throughout the
article the reader should find the applications of the theories of Bloom Taxonomy and Dunn & Dunn, but more than that, the
reader should gain a greater understanding of the impact of multi-media teaching
in our society today.

Workstations do not resemble the presentation
given by our group on Hurricane preparation. The workstation is our computer and
all those wires that link it to the outside world. One of the first things that
were given to Charles when he came into the ministry, was not to look for a
building to teach from, but looks to teach the world (God’s arrangement). Cfacs,
Inc. started with tapes and videos and went directly to the Web, several years
of writing, reading, studying, and learning coming together in one place for one
purpose to teach the Word. It is amazing how learning technology, theology, and
education in order to fulfill the great commission is being used today. This
article tells it all. We are just a small part of the future. You are part of
seeing us be a part of the next generation.
